Ballet Philippines was deeply honored to have the beautiful and vibrant children of Tabuk, Kalinga from our Ballet Brigade outreach join us in The Theatre at Solaire. The kids traveled quite a bit to enjoy the magic and enchantment of Christmas Fairytales.

In her speech during the gala night, Ballet Philippines President Kathleen Liechtestein shared: “Ballet Philippines embarked on a mission called Ballet Brigade – to reach out to our isolated and marginalized communities and tribal groups in our country. Our purpose is not to corrupt or impose the discipline of ballet on their own dance heritage, but to share the power of dance so that we can entwine and bring our communities together. We share with them the dicipline of ballet and in turn they teach us their dance culture. It is also our goal to spot talented kids for training scholarships in ballet.”

Their presence at our show made the performance even more special for everyone present that day.